What you can do at home

Your kids will follow the example you set for them. Set them on the right course by making small adjustments in their everyday lives:

Plan and cook at least one meal a week together as a family. Giving your children a voice in what will be served, and allowing them to help prepare it, goes a long way towards getting them to eat better! When allowing your children to make choices, give them options. For example,”Would you like carrots, broccoli, or green beans tonight?” That way, you both have some control over the outcome.

Take your children to a farmers’ market or farm stand with you at least once a month. Turn it into a family outing. Give each child a small budget and let them select their own fruits and vegetables. Try to refrain from telling them that they won’t like something; you may be surprised!

Serve fresh fruits and vegetables, combined with fun dips, as snacks. Kids love apple slices, orange segments, bananas, celery, carrots, snow peas, and other fruits and vegetables, especially when served with hummus, organic peanut butter, or honey in appropriate portion sizes.

Rid your cabinets and refrigerator of packaged products that contain high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and other additives. If you need a degree in chemistry to read the label, the contents probably aren’t real food!